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The Day May Break

Publié le par big-bear-photos

 The Day May Break


Ma galerie préférée expose jusqu'au 4 Mars le photographe Nick Brandt pour
The Day May Break (Chapitre2)

Si vous êtes à Paris ces prochains temps, passez y faire un saut pour remplir vos
yeux et votre esprit de ces magnifiques photos noir et blanc.

Polka Galerie, Cour de Venise, 12, rue Saint-Gilles, 75003 Paris

The Day May Break

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 The Day May Break


I want my images to achieve two things in this regard - to be an elegy to a world that is
tragically vanishing, to make people see what beauty is disappearing. Also, to try and show
that animals are sentient creatures equally as worthy of life as humans.

(Nick Brandt)


The Day May Break


The Day May Break

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The Day May Break


You always hope that the work will have some kind of impact. But one has to have a bit of
realism. So, I hope that the work can, at the very least, be an incremental cog in the wheel of
change – towards a greater awareness of just how much unique life and wonder we are losing
on the planet.
And this awareness will lead to action – that people will take steps in ways both
large and small to correct the course we are on.

(Nick Brandt)


The Day May Break


The Day May Break


The Day May Break


You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture
their spirit; you'd move in close.

(Nick Brandt)


The Day May Break


The Day May Break


 I want to get a real sense of intimate connection with each of the animals - with that particular
lion or elephant in front of me. I believe that being that close to the animal makes a huge
difference in the photographers ability to reveal its personality. You wouldn't take a portrait of
a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close.

(Nick Brandt) 


The Day May Break

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The Day May Break


Few photographers have ever considered the photography of wild animals, as distinctly
opposed to the genre of Wildlife Photography, as an art form. The emphasis has generally been
on capturing the drama of wild animals IN ACTION, on capturing that dramatic single moment,
as opposed to simply animals in the state of being.

(Nick Brandt)


The Day May Break


The Day May Break

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The Day May Break



The Day May Break


Aside from using certain absurdly impractical techniques, I do one thing that I believe makes
a big difference: I get very, very close to the animals. I don't use telephoto lenses, as I want
to see as much of the sky and landscape as possible to see the animals within the context of t
heir environment. That way, the photos become about the atmosphere of the place as well as
the animals.

(Nick Brandt)


The Day May Break



The Day May Break



The Day May Break


And being that close to the animals, I get a real sense of intimate connection to them, to that
specific animal in front of me. I love the feeling, want the feeling, that they're almost presenting
themselves for a studio portrait.

(Nick Brandt)


The Day May Break

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The Day May Break


The Day May Break


My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my
elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing.

(Nick Brandt)


The Day May Break


The Day May Break


The Day May Break


I stopped taking those ‘majestic’ portraits eight years ago, in 2012, moving on to much darker
imagery. I felt I had no choice – it was irresponsible to continue to show a world
unencumbered by human destruction. I also no longer felt artistically stimulated, taking the
portraits, even though melancholy in tone.

(Nick Brandt)


The Day May Break



The Day May Break


The Day May Break


People still think the major issue with the destruction of wildlife in Africa is poaching, but
especially in East Africa it's no longer the biggest problem. The biggest problem is the
population explosion that is happening. With that comes an invasion of humanity and
development into what was not so long ago wildlife habitat.

(Nick Brandt)



Ne donnez pas à manger aux animaux :-)
Merci de votre visite, n'oubliez pas le guide.
Bonne semaine.


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