chez Monsieur Klein
Cette semaine, promenons nous à la Galerie Polka pour voir la (hélas trop petite) exposition de Vous savez à quel point j'aime cette galerie parisienne (tout comme la revue Polka) et sa toujours belle programmation photographique. Promenez-vous avec moi.
I came from the outside, the rules of photography didn't interest me.
(William Klein)
Be yourself. I much prefer seeing something, even it is clumsy, that doesn't look like
somebody else's work.
(William Klein)
Sometimes, I'd take shots without aiming, just to see what happened. I'd rush into crowds
- bang! bang! ... It must be close to what a fighter feels after jabbing and circling and getting
hit, when suddenly there's an opening, and bang! Right on the button. It's a fantastic feeling.
(William Klein)
I have always loved the amateur side of photography, automatic photographs, accidental
photographs with uncentered compositions, heads cut off, whatever. I incite people to make
their self-portraits. I see myself as their walking photo booth.
(William Klein)
Anybody who pretends to be objective isn't realistic.
(William Klein)
I don't roam around with a camera and never did. I took pictures in spurts, for my books,
for some assignments or on special occasions. Like people who take out their cameras for
Christmas and birthdays. Each time, like them, probably, I feel it’s the first time and as if
I would have to relearn the moves. Luckily, it comes pretty fast, like riding a bike.
(William Klein)
I was a make believe ethnographer: treating New Yorkers like an explorer would treat Zulus
- searching for the rawest snapshot, the zero degree of photography.
(William Klein)
Bonne semaine à tous.
N'oubliez pas le guide.
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