chez Dorothea
L'exposition Dorothea Lange , "Politiques du visible" au Jeu de Paume s'est terminée il y a peu,
en voici quelques photos d'ambiance.
A documentary photograph is not a factual photograph.
(Dorothea Lange)
Il faut vraiment utiliser l'appareil photo comme si on devait être frappé de cécité demain
(Dorothea Lange)
To know ahead of time what you're looking for means you're then only photographing your
own preconceptions, which is very limiting, and often false.
(Dorothea Lange)
I many times encountered courage, real courage. Undeniable courage. I've heard it said that
that was the highest quality of the human animal. I encountered that many times, in
unexpected places. And I have learned to recognize it when I see it.
(Dorothea Lange)
One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind.
(Dorothea Lange)
Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.
(Dorothea Lange)
Bonus: La video du Jeu de Paume (n'hésitez pas à passer en plein écran)
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