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Joel à la Galerie

Publié le par big-bear-photos

Jusqu'au 29 Juillet se tient à la Galerie Polka (Paris) l'exposition Panorama de
Joel Meyerowitz.

De toutes ces superbes images en grand format, Je retiens surtout les magnifiques photos de
paysages réalisées à Cap Cod qui donnent envie de voyager et d'aller se poser dans ce magique
coin de l'Amérique.

Bonne visite virtuelle.


We think of photography as pictures. And it is. But I think of photography as ideas. And do
the pictures sustain your ideas or are they just good pictures? I want to have an experience
in the world that is a deepening experience, that makes me feel alive and awake and conscious.

(Joel Meyerowitz)


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Comment ne pas s'extasier devant un tel paysage et une telle atmosphère ?



J’ai choisi la couleur car la vie est en couleurs
(Joel Meyerowitz)




We all experience it. Those moments when we gasp and say, Oh, look at that. Maybe it's
nothing more than the way a shadow glides across a face, but in that split second, when you
realize something truly remarkable is happening and disappearing right in front of you, if you
can pass a camera before your eye, you'll tear a piece of time out of the whole, and in a breath,
rescue it and give it new meaning.

(Joel Meyerowitz)




I photographed the entire thing in color because to photograph it in black and white would
be to keep it as a tragedy. Because there is a tragic element to photographing, in this case
not war, but the collapse. It was just destruction.

(Joel Meyerowitz)




What is the art experience about? Really, I'm not interested in making Art at all. I never, ever,
think about it. To say the word Art, it's almost like a curse on art. I do know that I want to try
to get closer to myself. The older I get, the more indications I have about what it is to get closer
to yourself. You try less hard. I just want to be.

(Joel Meyerowitz)




The small camera taught me energy and decisiveness and immediacy ... The large camera
taught me reverence, patience, and meditation.
(Joel Meyerowitz)




I want to enjoy the languor of just living, recognizing, acknowledging, taking it in, sort of
amplifying it in some way. [Photography] is a great medium for that. It happens in an instant,
but it gives you hours or days of time to reflect on things. It’s a beautiful system, this game
of photography, to see in an instant and go back and think about later on. It’s pure philosophy.
And poetry.

(Joel Meyerowitz)



Bonne semaine à vous.
N'oubliez pas le guide.


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